Wednesday 4 April 2012

Dollar on the Rise ( April 4th 2012)

April 4th 2012, Kristine Aquino & Monami Yui,

Hi everyone,
The USD rose up to more than what it had in a week against the Euro, reflecting signs of improvement in American employment. This improvement supports the US Federal Reserve's decision to hold off from increasing monetary accommodation (Aquino & Yui, 2012).
Monetary Accommodation or Accommodative Monetary Policy is an action taken by a central bank to set low interest rates to attain credit or prevent losing investors. It encourages spending by consumers and businesses when the economy is low by making money cheaper to borrow/obtain (, 2012). 

What this means is that since the Federal Reserve is not implementing this policy, it shows that the US economy is experiencing some gains.

In other news, the Euro, AUD & NZD are experiencing declines as mentioned in the article below by Mario Singh.

To read the full article, go here:
Aquino, K & Yui, M 2012,

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